
Project Management

Jerusalem Municipality Israel

The Municipality is providing land gazetted for a public park/garden and will provide ancillary services for the finished Garden.

The Friendship Garden of Jerusalem Trust Melbourne Australia

The Trust will oversee the design, construction and maintenance of the Garden.
It is coordinating the funding of the project by the people of the world in a spirit
of friendship and goodwill.

The project is managed by Stephen Shanahan, Melbourne, Victoria Australia.

He is Director of Atlantic Australasia Pty Ltd, representing the Atlantic Group of France in Australia and New Zealand. He participated in the restoration and maintenance of heritage gardens in Melbourne with the National Trust.

Shlomo Aronson Landscape Architects, Town Planners and Architects
Ein Kerem, Israel.

Ittai & Barbara Aronson are designing the Garden. http:/

The Friendship Garden of Jerusalem Trust was established in Melbourne in October 2006 by our legal advisors Arnold Bloch Leibler.

The Friendship Garden of Jerusalem Trust was registered with the Australian Government as a trust entity on 20 August 2010.

Our Australian Government ABN is
81 601 240 390